Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Travelling through Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a island with wonderful landscapes. Cities are not that attractive, very wild and dirty. Unfortunately a lot of moscitos and insects - so no princess time possible anymore. ;)

We are travelling with buses and trains and are always meeting new people. Driving a Bus in Sri Lanka is a big experience, which is definitely worth to discover.  No space for more people - you would never hear that in Sri Lanka. Busses are always full packed and the bus drivers are really crazy.  Driving left, as they should?  - No, they don't really care. Every space is needed to be faster then all the other cars. Today I was in a Bus for 4 hours - unfortunately seated in the first line with the best view to the streets. As after a while I probably seemed very scared to the driver he smiled to me and my neighbour said to me "just chill out".  On all cars in Sri Lanka is written : God bless! In most of the buses is a little altar to pray. The ticket officer stops always in front of a temple to pray before the journey continues.  But of course just be relaxed =).

I didn't like the locals in the beginning as they always wanted money from us for everthing, also just for an information. In Kalpitya instead the locals were so friendly. Children waiving us, bringing food to try, inviting us to there home, showing us their belongings, offering coconuts, smiling to us in the Bus etc. - really sweet.

A country with a lot of diffrent landscapes, people and skills.

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